
/ Brawlers Belt / Elite Blood-Leather

[ +5 Strength, +5 Vitality, Pugilist +1, +25% Stamina Regeneration ]

/ Orion’s Belt / Elite Ghost-Leather

[ +15 Agility, +5% More Damage with Bows, Levitate 3/day, Walk on Water ]

/ Giant Set (2) /

/ Girdle of Giant Strength / Elite Mountain Giant Hide

[ +10 Strength, +10% Damage with all Melee Attacks, +20% KIR, +20% Carry Capacity ]
(Warrior, Knight, Barbarian Only)

/ Gauntlets of Giant Strength / Elite Blood-Steel

[ +10 Strength, +20% Chance of Crushing Status (fists or blunt weapons only), Throw Weapon +1, Throw Rocks +1 ] (Warrior, Knight, Barbarian Only)

/ Giant Set (2) /

[ +10 Strength, +10% More Damage with Two Handed Melee Attacks, +10% Damage Resistance ]

/ Belt of the Bison / Elite Bison Hide

[ +15 Vitality, +10% Stamina, -15% Speed (total), +15 Wagoneering ]

/ Mountain Buckle / Elite Adamantite

[ +5 Luck, +10 Axes, +15 Lucky Find Ore, +15 Dig, +15 Direction Sense in Mountains, Immune to Alcohol ] (must be attached onto any magic belt adding to its power, can only be removed 1/month when Iss wanes)

/ The Bridge / Legendary Shadow-Leather Belt / Set (3)

[ +5 Luck, +5 Charisma, +10 Persuade, +10 Dance, +10 Gambling, +10 Swords, +10% Deflection, Quick-Draw +1 ] (Sprites Only, see Short Sword for other items in the set)

/ Twinned Belt / Legendary Glimmer Girdle

[ +5 Intellect, +10 Charisma, Aura +1, May utilise an extra Aura ]

/ Stormguard / Legendary Frost Giant Belt

[ +10 Agility, +20% Shock and Cold Resistance, +33% Slow Resistance, +6% Slow Resistance Cap, +3% Shock and Cold Resistance Cap, Immune to Mundane Cold and Storm Weather Ailments, -25% Maximum Fire Resistance ]

/ Rogue Belt / Legendary Shadow Leather

[ +5 Agility, +15 Luck, +33% Critical Hit Damage Resistance, +20% Dodge, +5% to Critical Miss of Single Opponent ]

/ Urak Stone Belt / Legendary Urak Hide

[ +10 Strength, +10 Vitality, +5% Damage Resistance, Penetrating Charge +1, Merge with Stone 1/day ]

/ Dominion of the Raja / Legendary Dragonskin Belt

[ +10 Charisma, +10 Persuade, Disposition +1 with Feline, +25% Effectiveness with all Mesmer Spells ]

/ Quandary / Legendary Spell Thread & Shadow-Leather

[ +10 Intellect, Strength, Vitality, -5 Agility, Charisma, Luck, +10% More Damage with Physical and Elemental Damage, +10% Critical Hit Chance, -5% To All Maximum Resistances ]

/ Alchemist’s Belt / Miniature Bag of Holding x8

[ Places all herbs in a small dimensional space, keeping them fresh and / or dry as needed. 8 pouches, each with 5% of weight of maximum, and a near infinite supply of herbs, 1/month Duplicate Herb: 100/60/20% chance of success based on rarity of herb and herbalist skill ]

/ Timelord’s Belt / Legendary Shadow-Leather

[ +10 Intellect, +5 Vitality, +5 Luck, +5 Lore, +15 Perception, Reduces cast time by 15% ] (Priest and Mage Only)

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